

My friends said that I am an alien. I heard that from multiple friends, and from some of my exes too. I think it started after I moved to NYC, or maybe I don’t remember maybe before that. But I clearly remember I was teased by few friends in NYC early 20th because I had blue hair. I bet because of my hair or my behavior as an “artist” (I think I was creating my personality as an “artist”) in my 20th gave impression to others that I am an alien. Also my lack of communication skills as new to US… 

But I was just leave that there, not really thinking anything about it. It was interesting to hear what other think about me. One of my ex said I look like small monkey, and he were saying in loving way!

And Noriko, who is my sister-like, and healer, and teacher, became obsessed to aliens after 8 years? 10 years? of her kinesiology study. I was just super skeptical for long time, and wasn’t taking that seriously.  But for sure it influenced me, because her session became more effective and strong after she into this new thing. And changes of her life was accelerating, it was very curious.  

We decided to go Christmas trip together and we went Malta and Turkey for 2019-2020 Christmas and New Years vacation. It was interesting coincidence that she said she wants to go Malta. Because Malta was in my head for few months before that. My friend in Iceland told me his experience and how Malta is special place. I never heard about Malta until he told me.  I thought I wanted to visit him in Malta in Oct, but that was not realistic at that moment. Then Noriko found there are temples that she wants to visit in Malta.

So, we went there. And it’s all about Aliens….. She wanted to visit oldest temples or oldest megalithic structure in the world in Turkey which found not so long ago. And there are the oldest free-standing structures on Earth was in Malta, until the discovery of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey.  So begins in Malta, we went 5?6? Ruins include underground cemetery… That was scary to me! To be honest, I am not into that kind of thing. I prefer to go spa trip to Bali, Greece islands, Paris, Marseille etc… I like historical buildings, but not that much. Or won’t go to the other country just for that. But I was traveling alone enough, and I wanted to have some different experience that I can’t have by myself. And It was remarkable! I definitely couldn’t have the experiences without her. But to be honest, I felt little bit like research trip or business trip… for sure. 

We visited 1 or 2 Ruins per day, and of course not only that, we walked beautiful old city in Malta, ocean in Gozo island. 

I got sick in Malta, I am thinking that was Covid19, though. hahaha   So many people in Airplane were coughing since Oct 2019. I noticed that, and remember I was thinking I should wear masks in Airplane…  Then finally I got sick in airplane from Istanbul to Malta. Since Noriko is a brilliant and skilled healer, she healed me in 3 days. But I never really experienced that much coughing before, and I don’t get cold easily. Probably only once in 5 years?  It was super contagious, I got sick right away, and Noriko too. We were okay, my fever and coughing stopped because of her help. Anyway, we did everything that I said, more than that.. Visiting Ruins, eat delicious foods everyday, drink Malta wine walked beautiful beautiful places, went Christmas mass. We spent such a lovely Christmas there. 

Then we went Urfa, Turkey to visit Göbekli Tepe.  Big change from Malta to middle east, near Syrian.  I was really enjoyed it. But Noriko was suffering by Alien effect... 

Okay, I am not really talking about Aliens. It’s whole another stories, and already this story became too long…  I want to write about the trip more!  So, I gonna say here for now is… There are enough to believe for me that there were aliens on the earth.  Looking at made in 9000- 10.000 BCE buildings and sculptures and feeling of it. There are totally alien looking sculptures and evidences (to me),  that some kind of Aliens were doing some kind of DNA testing for creatures of the earth(include human). It’s sounds crazy, and I still in learning process in this thing. But when I opened up to new curiosity, I found out there are already so many people researching in this area. 

Dogon religion researcher Shannon Dorey has interesting research relate to Gobekli Tepe and Aliens. https://www.shannondorey.com/articles/published/gobeklitepe.html

Watching “Unacknowledged” on Netflix was festinating! As well as “Ancient Aliens”. (I just found those shows past two weeks ago during quarantine in Kauai!) And I watched all episodes of Atiya/ the gift https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10075318/

on Netflix in Istanbul,  after visiting Gobekli tepe.  I am so glad the guy at cute store told me about the show. Such a fun to watch right after I went the actual place!  

Now I am reading books of sex or hypnosis or history, but what I picked recently always involved aliens. The authors believe in it, and they include that in their book. 

It is another my challenge to coming out to myself after kinesiology. That I am obsessed about extraterrestrial existence and talk to them often. And maybe I am one of them! And I believe you are too. 


キネシオロジー *日本語は英語の下です

It is my big secret.. sort of. I do kinesiology self healing almost everyday, and I rely on my muscle test(unconscious choices) when I can’t decide which chocolate I want to get, or which color of underwear I want to buy…. only very few of my close friends and exes knows how I live with it, and how I often doing it. 

I realized I didn't tell it to almost anyone. It was not secret, but I didn't feel the meaning of sharing. It’s like diary, or my thinking process, or could be similar to religious? I felt it’s very private, and I don’t do it for job anymore, so I wasn’t feeling necessary to share it. I have also avoided explaining it. There are many types of kinesiology, and I felt lazy to do that…

But just thought, it might be a reason that I am feeling of alienation, isolation or "no one understand me!" kind of feeling sometimes… Because I am not sharing a huge part of myself. 

So, it’s a small challenge to start opening up myself to the world! 

I started taking Noriko’s kinesiology session back in 2010, right before my life became different direction. I had divorce at 2011, which changed my life a lot. Her session might had some effect for the change, but that’s just happened whatsoever. Although, her session definitely helped me a lot to heal from the pain, and I am not sure I could be the same person if I didn’t have her help, or if I didn’t meet kinesiology.  

I recently became completely believe in parallel universe. After listening Noriko’s knowledge and from my dreams. And I watched some of Dolores Cannon’s youtube. Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKJS5vCn0fI

 I am seeing one type of dreams past 5-6 years…  Which has continued story and life in it. Or could be longer than 5-7 years if I connect few more. Noriko helped me to cut off with this dreams because it was stressing, or my body saying it’s better to release. But I'm still seeing it, like seeing my completely different life in there. But to understand why I am seeing it through kinesiology helps me for deeper realization for many things, myself and how the universe really working(in my own way).

Anyway, what I wanted to say is I could have my life without kinesiology for sure, but my life with me at this moment can’t separate with it. 

Before I sleep, I usually ask to my body(unconscious/higher-self/guide.. something)that "Is there any messages from you now?" Or if I am suffering from something, then “what should I do?” Or “what this mean to me?”  

It’s really helping me to observe myself, from different point of view. 

For example, I’m keep getting message that I am not facing my darkness, weakness, or problems.  And I found there are so many of it, and so many layers. It’s like a game, my body tells tricky way(that’s what I feel) many times, because I don’t want to hear it.  I don’t want to face it.

But If I really listen, then my life will become easier all the time.

I also like to try other types of healings, or just following my own heart to make decisions. In the end it’s the same thing. I choose to be heal, that’s my decision, method doesn’t matter.  I listen what my body/guide says because my heart says yes too. Sometime I choose things my body say yes, but my heart doesn’t really say yes… But nothing really right or wrong, so it’s just a choice. 

To me kinesiology is a tool to connect something different than myself, something wiser and bigger than me, but still myself. I ask advice like I ask to my friends. But such a convenient because he/she is always always there for me. 

I am still really enjoying this conversation and "finding answers" game though kinesiology.  And saving my time a lot if I can’t choose either I want to have dark chocolate with protein or chocolate with fiber....

But why I can’t decide where to live..? There are lots of reasons!!   Yes, my body said I should live in Japan for while,  but my heart excited to travel, or dreaming to live in Europe. 

My body/guide maybe knows I could feel “safe” when I am in Japan. Or they might telling that I could possible to get it(safe feeling) in the truest sense after letting go my belief set that I can’t feel safe and be myself in Japan.

My recent learning from this dilemma is, decision from warm, happy feeling is good,  choices made from fear or some kind of negative feelings goes wrong.  Sounds simple but it’s pretty hard.  To knowing if it’s truly comes from pure essence or came from protection that I made while growing up. Even happy feeling could be fake. Could be just a protection to not see the deeper fear.  I couldn’t know that without having help from kinesiology.  For example, my body actually picked up the sentence from the list “ Positive thinking and not able to see own problems”. Or “Always trying to be a GOOD person”.  Which also negative.  That could give me feel right, and maybe make me feel warm too, but that is asking proof from others, not really came from my pure essence. That won't give me true happiness. 

To accept who I am and what I want, without feeling guilt. Love myself just as is...  Even If my brain says I am not enough, or heard it from others(That’s usually my belief system translate to it, though. Not really other people saying that).

The same messages coming to me over the years, but it is always fresh, has a deeper meaning or understanding, and giving new awareness through my experiences at the moment.

Thank you for not giving up on me and keep sending those messages, and be there all the time❤️

ほとんどの人が知らない私の秘密。。。それは 私の生活、私の人生にどれだけキネシオロジーヒーリングが組み込まれているかって事。

本当にごくわずかな人だけが 私がどれだけキネシオロジーを生活に取り入れているか、毎晩 寝る前にセルフヒーリングをしているか、どっちのチョコレートが欲しいか自分で決められない時 筋反射に頼って決めてるか(笑)を知ってるんだけど こんなに自分の人生に大きな影響を受けているものを 私は周りの人にほとんど知らせていない、ってことに気がついて、 そんなだから 私は疎外感を持ったり 人に理解されてないって思ったりするんだよなぁって思ったので ここにシェアしようかと。

なんで言わなかったのかなぁ?と思うと 特にこれを仕事にしてるわけでもなく(昔はちょっとしてたけど) すごくプライベートな感じで 例えば日記のような、あとは自分の判断基準だったり(宗教のようなものかしら??)あとはキネシオロジーって何??ってところから説明するのも面倒だし(ここがかなりデカかった) シェアする意味を感じて来なかったけど 結局 ここがわかってもらえないと 自分でないって思うところがあって 書いてみてみようかなぁ。。と 誰が読んでるかもわからないんですが ある意味 ちょっとしたチャレンジ。自分をもっとオープンにして行こうという試みです:)

私が初めてキネシオロジーを知ったのは だいたい10年くらい前。離婚の1年くらい前で 今から思えばその頃は 色々なヒーリングに興味があって 受けてたなぁと。 離婚は私にとってとても辛い、人生が変わった出来事で 離婚の後は 典子さんのキネシのセッションにとっても助けられた。

典子さんは 私にとって 信頼するヒーラー 先生、そして今では お姉さんのような存在になった。彼女の影響、キネシのヒーリングの奇蹟、のようなものをたくさん受けてきたと思う。

キネシのクラスもいくつか受けて いっときはそれをしてお金をもらっていたこともあったけど 今はセルフヒーリング、ごくみじかな人へのセッションしかしなくなった。けれど もっと深く私の生活には組み込まれている。 もちろん キネシなくても生きていけるけど キネシなしでの今の自分はあり得ないなぁと思う。

話はちょっと変わりますが 私 英語と日本語と両方で書いてますが どっちかを訳そうとすると 温度が変わるので 別途に同じテーマで書くようにしようと思って それを今回から特にやってるんですが 英語で書きたいと思う内容と 日本語で書きたいと思う内容が 多少変わることに気がつきました。書く日にちも違うからかもだけど。。。 ので 英語文とちょっと内容違います:)

私は 筋反射を取って 毎晩寝る前に 自分の無意識だったり 最近はメインでガイドとの会話をします。大抵 ”何かメッセージはありますか?”だったり その日に問題があったら ”この問題を解決するには?””これは私にとってどんな意味があり起こっていますか?”などの問いかけをします。で リストの中から 答えを筋反射で聞きます。応えは核心を付いてて痛いときもありますし 知ってるわ!けどできないんだよ!って愚痴をいう時もありますし え?どういう意味?と謎かけな時も多々あります。その謎かけを解いていくのが面白くって あー そういう意味ね!と自分で納得できるところに行くとすごくスッキリします。納得する=それが答えだ、と自分が納得できるので 問題に対して行動できるし 腑に落ちることができる。

違う角度からものを見やすくなったし 思い込みに気が付きやすくなった。

かと言って 全ての問題が解決するわけでもなく 例えば 住むところ、なんかは ぜーんぜん決めれません!筋反射で出てるアドバイスを聞きたくなかったりするし。 理解できない、したくない、向き合いたくない、だったり。。。どこかで決めたくない、というのがある。それは失敗する恐れ、だったり 旅を続けていたい、だったり。

別に旅が続けていたいならすればいいし 決めたくないんだったら 決めなければいい、でも決めたいという思いだったり 家への憧れだったり 一箇所にいることからできる 人との繋がりだったりを望んでたり。そしてそこへの抵抗もあったり。。。。とたくさんの理由が 重なり合ってる感じ。今は 決まるときは決まるでしょう、といった感じで 旅行をもうちょっと楽しもう!という視点になってきてますが 笑

最近は やっと心が望むもの、が素直に出てきてる感じ。というかわかってきた感じ。心が望むものって言っても 長年積み重ねてきた思い込みの中では 本当に望むものと 自分を守るために身につけてきたものとか 一般的な思い込みで 自分の心からの思いではないものへの見分けがつきにくい。

例えば お金持ちになることがワクワクする!自分の心からの望みだ!と思ってたとしても 実は自分が持っている不安感からの望みだったり 人と比べていたり なので それが手に入っても本当の幸せ感は得れなかったり なんか自分の人生が上手く回らなかったり。

例えば 私、離婚してから ズーーっと新しいパートナーを、人生のパートナーを見つけたい!って思ってきたけど そこに焦点を当ててたこと自体が ネガティブな思い込みからの行動だったなぁって今では思う。自分にパートナーがいることを妄想すると楽しいし 幸せで それが欲しい!って思ってたけど パートナーがいない自分が欠陥品、みたいに思ってたり そうしないと幸せになれない、みたいな思い込みがあったのは確か。そういった部分が原動力になってる行動って上手くいかない。幸せにはしてくれない。

でも 何度も何度もそれは違うよー、こういう見方があるよーというように ガイドだったり身体だったりが辛抱強く教えてきてくれて 本当に最近、ピュアな部分で欲するもの、そうしたいと思うこと、が分かってきた。感覚的なものなんだけど その部分とつながって行動、決断すると上手く行く:)実はなかなかそこと繋がれないのだけど それができる経験がどんどん増えてきているここ最近!

これも キネシだったり ガイドだったり 典子さんだったり 旅をしてきて たくさんのことを見て経験できたからだったり その旅で会ってきた人だったり 家族だったり 友達だったりのおかげだなぁと。 そしてそれを選べた、してきた自分への感謝❤️

何が言いたいんだか よくわからない長い分になりましたが 笑 一応”キネシと私”でした。

*Not sure what photos goes well with “Kinesiology”. So, this is photos from recent trip to Malta and Turkey with Noriko and a photo of tree which I fall in love in beginning of this year:)