

After traveling while and spent lots of time staying someone’s home, hotel, airbnb… I am craving to find another place that I could call home… My home in Kauai is more like investment at this moment. 

It was very hard for me to know what I really want. Because tons of options! But now I am feeling much more clear. After I lived in another houses, cities, or countries, and experienced lots of someone’s life...   I only need few things and not much options after I really know what I have and what I need for my lifestyle. 

My first search was somewhere in America, and city. But to be honest, I wasn’t really attracted to any places in America… So one of the first thing came in mind was “where is the best place for skin??”….. Stupid, but I seriously searched that. Portland OR was good for that, though.

And ended up I gave up and just exploring other countries. I fall in love almost all countries and cities where I visited, but I couldn’t felt so realistic to moving to other countries. 

And what I was trying recently was “why not Japan??” So, after leaving Japan for almost 20 years, I was thinking of living in Japan again. 

I was craving to settle down and to have a deeper connections with others. I met wonderful people during the trips, but I can’t really build any relationships if I keep moving. 

I thought it should work in Japan because I already have people who I feel deeply connected, family. I am feeling loved and belong to, but ended up I couldn’t picture myself live in Japan. My simple needs in my lifestyle are nothing met in Japan. 

But I know that I couldn’t find this answers what I really need until I spent some time in Japan and my family. I feel supported by them. I can still show them everything and act like a teenager. Because of it I could feel it is okay to be selfish to live my life.  Also Japan is definitely my root, so I could see why I became like this,(me) and what is important for me better than when I am in other places. The experience from living with my family in the last two months has given me the courage to do what I really want and say aloud that I need it.

So I am having a big expectations for Bali… I hope I could able to feel home in here at the end of my stay!

*Photos of few places where I stayed…. Only few from tons of places. And I am regret that I didn’t take all !

Yoga while traveling

One of the things I definitely like to do thing while traveling is to take local yoga classes. Some people might like to go to a local bar and feel what it’s like to live in that area.For me, I find yoga studios and take classes as much as possible. It helps my physical and mental conditions while traveling. I just really enjoy an experience to feel like a local, and to find a rhythm. And surprisingly, most of the places I’ve stayed have a yoga studio in walking distance!

Yoga has become so popular in the last 20 years. I didn’t see a yoga studio on every block in NYC when I first visited in 1998.Now it seems that’s the case.In Spain, I was really surprised at the yoga teaching quality, and the numbers of studios. In Barcelona, we stayed near Park Güell, and I found a tempting yoga studio like every 2 blocks. Although in Madrid, so many studios were closed for August. Still, I was able to find a really nice one near where we were staying. I was only expecting awesome wine and tapas, but I found great yoga classes and healthy foods too!

I don’t remember Bali being so popular for yoga 22 years ago when I first visited. Now it’s a popular vacation location for Yogis. I tried to count how many yoga studios I visited this year, and couldn’t remember… But I made a list of yoga studios that I do remember. You can find them below, under the Japanese translation if you’re interested!

I feel I am so lucky to be able to experience Yoga everywhere in the world. Also that’s why I can keep my yoga practice, because it’s convenient. Yes, I can practice by myself, but I am too lazy…When I feel I’m having 1 hour yoga practice, I check the time, and says it’s only been 15 min. So I go and take classes.

My life is super simple. I get bored quickly, but I love routines. I’ve been eating the same breakfast for the past 6 years! Also I would say I have an addictive tendency… Yoga and self Kinesiology healing is essential in my daily life. I bet yoga could replace Ballet if it’s not as convenient as yoga. And Kinesiology could replace meditation if it heals me better. Traveling makes me clear on what I really like, and what is important. I keep finding that the same things are necessary for me, no matter how much the environment changes. Overall, I am happy if I can use my body, and take time to talk myself. Also if I am able to create something to express my self and feel a deep connection with others.

旅の最中に私が必ずしている事は ローカルのヨガスタジオに通う事。その土地のバーとかに行って 地元の雰囲気を味わうって人もいると思うけど 私は地元のヨガに通うことによって その地に生活している雰囲気を味わうのが好き。もちろん 旅の途中の健康管理にもなってるけど スロートラベル、住んでるように旅するのが好きな私にとって 欠かせない楽しみになってる。そして 本当にどこに行ってもヨガスタジオがある。今まで泊まったところのほぼ全てに 徒歩圏内にヨガスタジオがあった。

20年前、初めてニューヨークに行った時は ここまでヨガが溢れかえってなかったと思うし、22年前かに バリ島に初めて行った時は バリがここまでヨガバケーションで有名だった覚えがない。スペインに初めて行って スペインがあそこまで健康志向で ヨガスタジオがたくさんあるなんて思ってもみなかった。美味しいワインとタパス、くらいしか考えてなかったから。 笑 

今年 どのくらいヨガスタジオに行ったんだろう?と数えてみようとしたけど 思い出せない。印象に残ってるところを 下にリストアップしたので もし興味があったら見てください:)

世界中のヨガスタジオに通えて その違いやら共通点を経験できて すごいラッキー!と思うし これだけ便利に通えるから ヨガ続けてられるってのもあるなぁって思う。ヨガは一人でも出来るけど なんせ私 一人でやると 1時間やった!と思って 時間チェックすると15分、って感じだから ヨガに通います。笑

私の生活ってすごいシンプルだなぁって思う。飽きっぽいくせに ルーティーンが大好き。同じ朝ごはんを6年食べ続けてるあたり それがよく現れてる気がする。っていうかハマりやすい??

ヨガとキネシオロジーのセルフヒーリングは 私の生活に欠かせないものとなってる。ただ ヨガは こんな風にどこでも出来るんだったらバレエとかダンスに置き換える事はできるだろうし、キネシは瞑想とかにも置き換えられるかも。ただし私にとって効果がキネシのように高ければ。旅をしてると さらに自分にとって大切なものがわかってきやすいと思う。どんなに環境が変わっても 自分が必要と思うことがあるから。私は身体動かして 心を見つめる時間があって クリエーション出来てたら 本当に最高だなぁって思う。あとはやっぱり人との深い繋がりを感じれることだな〜 


:The yoga barn Of course! I tried this one. It’s very popular but still great number of classes and good atmosphere. Teacher is hit or miss (for me)

:Intuitive flow It was walking distance from one of my stay. I liked the walk to get to this studio and the view from the windows.

: Matra Bali I think they changed their name since last March. It was behind my hotel in Canggu.

I went weekend yoga and ecstatic dance event in Canggu. It was awesome! but don’t remember the name!

Boulder, CO

:Amana yoga It was nice studio in walking distance, and not so crowded which I like. I went bulldog yoga near by for a class. It was not my style, but they were offering free class and give you free drinks? at a restaurant near there. Nice of them, and Kam likes it and it was different type of workout!

I took classes at one a yoga studio in Barcelona. People was nice, but I didn’t like the atmosphere.


: A YOGA I really liked this studio. It’s beautiful studio with big window. I could know the teachers are knowledgable from their adjustment and sequences even they speaks Spanish. I also liked they are them, not faking themselves to teach yoga. I like teacher use normal voice, and not acting.

New York

: ISHTA Yoga It’s home to me:) Amazing teachers!

: Bowery Yoga I actually never had their class yet! But I took bunch of the owner’s class at ISHTA, and she is awesome!


:Yoga Salt It was closest from my friend apt. I enjoyed LA vibe!

Portland OR

: Yoga Union High celling, beautiful studio!

: Sellwood Yoga Cozy, at home. I enjoyed the walk from our stay.


I’m still writing my summer trip blog which was exactly 4 months ago! I questioned myself, “Is there any purpose to be writing this?" Do I have the same feeling for the trip? I do not have the same memories and feelings I did during the trip. I guess that’s fine, it’s kinda nice to re-immerse into the memories :)

After the terrible Airbnb stay at Güéjar Sierra, we checked into a top floor, spacious apt with a beautiful balcony in Granada. Compared to the one before, I felt it was super luxurious and safe. :) I am getting what is important to me in my life, one big element for me is HOME. It doesn’t need to be a permanent home of my own, but where I go back and sleep at the night is home. It depends on that, my day which is my life… sounds like something spiritual or zen, but if you’re not enjoying now, then you’re not enjoying your life. I really feel that way. I can’t enjoy or live life without a comfortable home to go back. I am such a cancer/crab!

It’s almost the opposite of what I wrote for the Güéjar Sierra diary. Yes, it sometimes surprises me how such wonderful things can happen when you go outside. I also tend to stay home too long. During one night camping adventure, or staying in a Haunted house could be okay, but I would strongly crave going home and taking a shower and sleeping in clean sheets after that night!

Anyway, I miss leaving the apt in Granada, we only stayed two nights, and we then headed to Madrid. By the way, Granada was fun, we had a free tapas tour with some social time, walked through a white town which felt like some Mediterranean town. :) We liked our short visit to Granada, we visited many small towns during our summer trip, but Granada was a pretty vivid memory, kind of sour and sweet because of the looong drive and the lodging situations. Also we had commitment with pets most of time and it was few free days from pet sitting, that’s huge different.

The summer days were HOT in Andalusia, too hot. But now I am having day dreams of being there, to escape from rainy, chilly Portland.

スペイン旅行、グラナダへ行ってから あっという間に4ヶ月!いまだに 旅日記を書いています。。苦笑 書く意味あるのかなぁ?とか思ったけど 今は初冬で オレゴンにいて ここから違った視点で見る写真、夏を思い出して書くのもいいかなぁと 笑

Güéjar Sierraの最悪Airbnbステイから、次の日はグラナダの トップフロア、キッチン、大きなバルコニー付きアパートを借りて 前日に比べて なんて天国!!!と感動、泊まるところって 本当に重要だなぁと実感。最近 ずーっと旅行を続けて来て 前から思っていたけど その日帰るところ、寝て起きる、1日を始める”家”と 自分の実際の家出なくても そうその時呼べるものの重要さを なんども考えさせられています。キャムと比べると、、だけど 私には ”家”の影響力が半端なく、1泊 どこかチャレンジなところに泊まって Güéjar Sierraであったように 外で一日中過ごし、素晴らしい経験をするってことももちろんあるけど、1泊が限度で あとはどんどんバランスを崩してしまう。リセットできない感じ。私は家に長居し過ぎてしまう傾向があって それはそれで飽きるけどね。でも 多分 人より少しだけ(か結構) 家にいる時間が長い方が私には合っている。家大好き!蟹座だなぁ〜と 笑

そんな天国なグラナダのアパートは2泊しかブックしてなく、そのあとはマドリッドへ向かいました。グラナダでは タパスツアーに参加したり 白い街並みをエンジョイして アンダルシアをちょこっと味わった感じ。色々な街を訪ねた夏の旅だったけど グラナダでの数日は 結構印象的な時間でした。多分 楽しくもあり なんだか大変だった感もあるから。。。😅 あと ペットシッターしてない 二人だけの自由な時間だったってのも大きい。アンダルシアの夏は 本当に暑かった!その時はあつ〜〜〜 他の時期に来たいわ、と思ってたけど この寒い雨の続く 冬の入り口のポートランドにいると まるで夢のよう:)

Güéjar Sierra

After a little more than 10 hours of driving from Barcelona, we arrived in a small village called Güéjar Sierra late at night. We luckily found a local restaurant which was still open and able to serve some tapas and wine. It felt pretty magical, with lights and laugh. 

But when we got our Airbnb, there are unexpected surprise, that was a one of my worst Airbnb experience.. The host was nice, waiting us until late night, and greet us with his noisy dogs. but the room had strong smell of trash, and flies everywhere. We thought it was nightmare, but so tired, no energy to complain. I guess I killed 15 ish flies :( But because of the fxxking situation, we could wake up and leave early the next morning.  And we were able to have a full experience of a beautiful morning in Güéjar Sierra!

Güéjar Sierraという小さな街に バルセロナから車で1日で移動するという無謀な計画をたて、キャムは10時間以上運転するハメになり。。 夜遅くに到着し、ものすごく疲れ果て、けれど バルセロナと全く違う、アンダルシアの小さな街に興奮して 一つラッキーにも空いていたレストランで ワインとタパスで乾杯、やっと休める〜と Airbnbでブックした部屋にチェックインしたら そこがびっくり!最悪で、 見た目は綺麗なのに ゴミ捨て場か??って匂いで ハエはブンブン飛んでて。。。 セージを焚いてもエッセンシャルオイルでも匂いはごまかせず、とにかく限界で寝たは寝たけど 朝日と共に起きて 速攻部屋をチェックアウト、でもそれが反対に良くって この朝日と街の美しさに感動し、コーヒーとクロワッサンをゲットして ハイキングに向かい、とっても有意義でいい1日を過ごせた日でした。あの部屋が良かったら、疲れてたし いつものように朝はゆっくり過ごしてただろうし、こんなに1日楽しめなかったよねぇ〜と:)うまくできてるものだ。

Spain trip

I am traveling in Spain this summer. My first time Spain, not much being planned.  I wanted to see something new, and renew my passion for life and creation.  My time here is already half passed but still feeling like the same old me... But a small shift is happening, after a month of staying in a different country, breathing different air, eating and drinking local foods and water, and hearing different sounds. My cells are renewed. During this time, a lot of old memories came up, especially ones from when I first moved to America. Those memories are sweet and sour. I was so full of expectations for my life, and myself. - Before I experienced some pain and setbacks. Those memories come and go, reminds me of that feeling of expectation and my invisible source of passion. Some smoldering passion is somewhere inside me. A passion I am hoping I can start to light up.