
The end of the year

It’s the end of the year… I like this time of the year because it’s easy to feel renewal, rebirth and conclusion. It’s just a number and a day is just a day, but much easier than every other day because everyone feels that way. We collectively feel the change. 

It’s been a crazy past few years for most of people. Every year brings so many changes and leanings. When I look back at 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018… Every year feels like WOW to me. I did so much! But also I have my beliefs saying “Oh, I am stuck, not changing, not learning..” Self doubt still talks to me that way. But I can’t deny the reality. I have had lots of changes and experiences in each year. I think it’s time to accept the change for everyone. It’s the era to accept transformations. 

2021 was so much… so many experiences, learnings, connections and disconnects, lots decisions of changes. Happiness, anger, excitement, loneliness, feeling of love, disconnected to love, feeling creative, lack of motivations… Lots!! 

I could feel gratitude for all of them now. There were amazing experiences even if some of them are painful. Feeling lots of appreciation and gratitude for all the experiences, situations and help that I had. I can feel this way because I can be excited about the new year. Or vice versa. I could feel gratitude, so I can feel a bright future… To be able to visualize or feel happy about the future is wonderful. It feels like creating my own life.  And I said good job to myself, to be able to feel this way! I hope I can keep it in new year, every day.


Another reason I wanted to come to Iceland was my friends told me that they felt so many fairies in Iceland. Or they said Icelandic people were like fairies.  When I first saw Sól in a yoga studio where I always went to Reykjavik, I thought “That is true! I found a fairy!”  

Because she put pointy ears, and her long hair was under her hip, her outfit was like a fairy from inside movies.  Probably few days after I first saw her, I realized she is a teacher as well as one of the studio owner. 

 I usually not really friendly and won’t start making a conversation with strangers. I hate some yoga teacher who says “Let’s introduce each other, say hello to neighbors!” … Oh gosh, why I have to be social, I just want to do yoga! leave me alone!  That is my normal attitude.  But in Iceland I was different after soaking in a “feeling safe" bath for two weeks. I was much more friendly, and could able to talk people in the yoga studio sometimes.  I told her that I really like her outfit, and you are very beautiful!  And she said “Thank you, but I am just your mirror”  ….  I was ??? for while, and that was stuck in my head.  

I know the phase, but I usually thought that for negative situations. Like, when someone feeling uncomfortable, dislikes, anger etc.. for someone/something, then it is just showing your problems in it.  But I wasn’t realized that is apply to positive things too. 

I was keep thinking “what I was seeing in her, then?” 

I was very happy to be able to do photo collaboration with her. And time with her was bliss. I can't believe that was the first time together with her. Felt like she is my old friend. My heart was completely open, and all my words came from there.. no frills, also able to express deep. Only true words. Even though we both spoke our second language. 

The words are interesting. We talk, talking about something, but it's often not from our heart.  Saying things that you heard somewhere, agree to disagree, pretend to understand when you don't understand. 

Many times I shut my heart because I believe people don't understand me, or fear to be rejected. (then of course they can’t understand me!) 

Because of her, I was so free. Because she is free. She said it took her long time to be her like now. And she still working on it. But for me she was so free, and she know who she is. She is in her body, which she created. She lives her life which she created. Everybody lives there life as own creation, but not so much consciously created.  

She is mom, yoga teacher, singer, shaman, business owner and wife. But She is Sól. That is the freedom that I am looking for. She can freely share herself, because she is not hiding anything from themselves. She can freely share her love to others, because she giving enough love to herself. Having the courage to live the life that she wants and effort to do it… Sól was so real and all her expression was neither higher nor lower than herself. 

Things that I saw in her was the person who I want to be…. That is my conclusion for this. 

アイスランドに行きたかった理由の一つに ”アイスランドって妖精がたくさんいるみたいな感じ”とか ”アイスランド人ってみんななんか妖精みたいだったよー” と何人かの友達が言ってたので 気になる~と思ったから。最初にソルをいつも行ってたヨガスタジオで見かけた時、”ほんとだ!妖精がいる!” と思った。彼女の耳がとんがってて 髪の毛はお尻の下まで伸びてて 服装も映画で見る妖精みたいだったから。多分 最初に彼女を見かけてから数日後、彼女がヨガティーチャーで そのスタジオのオーナーの一人であることを知った。

私は基本 人見知りっていうの?あまりフレンドリーではない。よくハワイのヨガスタジオで クラスの前に”さあ 隣の人に自己紹介しよー!”とかいう人いるんだけど ゲー またきたよ、なんでヨガきてそんなことしなきゃいけないわけ?ヨガだけさせて!と思うのがいつもの私なんだけど なんせこの安心感200%のアイスランドで2週間過ごしたおかげで 人に対する抵抗やら恐怖も和らぎ、ハートが開いてたんで 自分から話しかけたり 会話を楽しめるようにもなっていた。で ソルに すごく素敵なヨガウエアだね!そしてあなたはとても綺麗だね~と言ったら ”ありがとう、でも私はあなた自身を映し出してる鏡なだけだから”と言われ ???となった。

「Everyone is your mirror: 誰もがあなたの鏡」ってよく聞くんだけど なんだかネガティブなことでしか考えたことがなかった。例えば 誰かを嫌って思ったり 怒りが湧いてきたり。それは自分の中にある問題が その人を通して見えているっていうこと。それがポジティブなことに関しても当てはまるとは考えたことなかった。

私は彼女の中に何を見ているんだろう?? それを言われてからぐるぐる考えていた。


言葉って不思議。適当に使うこともできる。適当に相づち打って 同意してないことに同意して 対してそう思ってもいないことを喋り続けたり。多くの場合自分が心から喋っていると思えない。それは自分が受け入れられないであろう、という恐怖だったり 理解されない、という思い込みだったりで自分が閉じてしまっているから。

彼女のおかげで 私はすごく自由でいられた。それは彼女が自由だから。”こういう風に自分を見つけられるまでには ずいぶんと時間がかかったし、まだまだ課題はある”と彼女は言ったけど 私から見たら 彼女は十分に自分を見つけれてそれを生きている。自分の人生を自分の生きたいようにクリエイトできている。

彼女は母であり、ヨガティーチャーであり、ミュージシャンであり、シャーマンであり、ビジネスオーナーであり、妻である。けれど 彼女はSólである。まず自分がある。そういった自由、それが私が望んでいるもの。

彼女の家に行ったから その生活を垣間見て 子供達にも会い、旦那さんと電話で話す姿も見た。そこの全てに一貫してSolがいた。自分をしっかり愛せて しっかりと自分の足で立っている。そうすると人に対しても愛が溢れ出て こういうゆとりを持てるのかなぁ。。とぼんやりそれを見ながら思った。

たった1日だけど たくさんシェアできて 一緒に何かを作り上げられて とても濃い時間を過ごせた。

私が彼女の中に見た自分。。 それはなりたい自分だったんだなぁっていう結論。


Yoga while traveling

One of the things I definitely like to do thing while traveling is to take local yoga classes. Some people might like to go to a local bar and feel what it’s like to live in that area.For me, I find yoga studios and take classes as much as possible. It helps my physical and mental conditions while traveling. I just really enjoy an experience to feel like a local, and to find a rhythm. And surprisingly, most of the places I’ve stayed have a yoga studio in walking distance!

Yoga has become so popular in the last 20 years. I didn’t see a yoga studio on every block in NYC when I first visited in 1998.Now it seems that’s the case.In Spain, I was really surprised at the yoga teaching quality, and the numbers of studios. In Barcelona, we stayed near Park Güell, and I found a tempting yoga studio like every 2 blocks. Although in Madrid, so many studios were closed for August. Still, I was able to find a really nice one near where we were staying. I was only expecting awesome wine and tapas, but I found great yoga classes and healthy foods too!

I don’t remember Bali being so popular for yoga 22 years ago when I first visited. Now it’s a popular vacation location for Yogis. I tried to count how many yoga studios I visited this year, and couldn’t remember… But I made a list of yoga studios that I do remember. You can find them below, under the Japanese translation if you’re interested!

I feel I am so lucky to be able to experience Yoga everywhere in the world. Also that’s why I can keep my yoga practice, because it’s convenient. Yes, I can practice by myself, but I am too lazy…When I feel I’m having 1 hour yoga practice, I check the time, and says it’s only been 15 min. So I go and take classes.

My life is super simple. I get bored quickly, but I love routines. I’ve been eating the same breakfast for the past 6 years! Also I would say I have an addictive tendency… Yoga and self Kinesiology healing is essential in my daily life. I bet yoga could replace Ballet if it’s not as convenient as yoga. And Kinesiology could replace meditation if it heals me better. Traveling makes me clear on what I really like, and what is important. I keep finding that the same things are necessary for me, no matter how much the environment changes. Overall, I am happy if I can use my body, and take time to talk myself. Also if I am able to create something to express my self and feel a deep connection with others.

旅の最中に私が必ずしている事は ローカルのヨガスタジオに通う事。その土地のバーとかに行って 地元の雰囲気を味わうって人もいると思うけど 私は地元のヨガに通うことによって その地に生活している雰囲気を味わうのが好き。もちろん 旅の途中の健康管理にもなってるけど スロートラベル、住んでるように旅するのが好きな私にとって 欠かせない楽しみになってる。そして 本当にどこに行ってもヨガスタジオがある。今まで泊まったところのほぼ全てに 徒歩圏内にヨガスタジオがあった。

20年前、初めてニューヨークに行った時は ここまでヨガが溢れかえってなかったと思うし、22年前かに バリ島に初めて行った時は バリがここまでヨガバケーションで有名だった覚えがない。スペインに初めて行って スペインがあそこまで健康志向で ヨガスタジオがたくさんあるなんて思ってもみなかった。美味しいワインとタパス、くらいしか考えてなかったから。 笑 

今年 どのくらいヨガスタジオに行ったんだろう?と数えてみようとしたけど 思い出せない。印象に残ってるところを 下にリストアップしたので もし興味があったら見てください:)

世界中のヨガスタジオに通えて その違いやら共通点を経験できて すごいラッキー!と思うし これだけ便利に通えるから ヨガ続けてられるってのもあるなぁって思う。ヨガは一人でも出来るけど なんせ私 一人でやると 1時間やった!と思って 時間チェックすると15分、って感じだから ヨガに通います。笑

私の生活ってすごいシンプルだなぁって思う。飽きっぽいくせに ルーティーンが大好き。同じ朝ごはんを6年食べ続けてるあたり それがよく現れてる気がする。っていうかハマりやすい??

ヨガとキネシオロジーのセルフヒーリングは 私の生活に欠かせないものとなってる。ただ ヨガは こんな風にどこでも出来るんだったらバレエとかダンスに置き換える事はできるだろうし、キネシは瞑想とかにも置き換えられるかも。ただし私にとって効果がキネシのように高ければ。旅をしてると さらに自分にとって大切なものがわかってきやすいと思う。どんなに環境が変わっても 自分が必要と思うことがあるから。私は身体動かして 心を見つめる時間があって クリエーション出来てたら 本当に最高だなぁって思う。あとはやっぱり人との深い繋がりを感じれることだな〜 


:The yoga barn Of course! I tried this one. It’s very popular but still great number of classes and good atmosphere. Teacher is hit or miss (for me)

:Intuitive flow It was walking distance from one of my stay. I liked the walk to get to this studio and the view from the windows.

: Matra Bali I think they changed their name since last March. It was behind my hotel in Canggu.

I went weekend yoga and ecstatic dance event in Canggu. It was awesome! but don’t remember the name!

Boulder, CO

:Amana yoga It was nice studio in walking distance, and not so crowded which I like. I went bulldog yoga near by for a class. It was not my style, but they were offering free class and give you free drinks? at a restaurant near there. Nice of them, and Kam likes it and it was different type of workout!

I took classes at one a yoga studio in Barcelona. People was nice, but I didn’t like the atmosphere.


: A YOGA I really liked this studio. It’s beautiful studio with big window. I could know the teachers are knowledgable from their adjustment and sequences even they speaks Spanish. I also liked they are them, not faking themselves to teach yoga. I like teacher use normal voice, and not acting.

New York

: ISHTA Yoga It’s home to me:) Amazing teachers!

: Bowery Yoga I actually never had their class yet! But I took bunch of the owner’s class at ISHTA, and she is awesome!


:Yoga Salt It was closest from my friend apt. I enjoyed LA vibe!

Portland OR

: Yoga Union High celling, beautiful studio!

: Sellwood Yoga Cozy, at home. I enjoyed the walk from our stay.